Friday, July 12, 2013

The Human Library Card

This summer is like a borrowed book. It's like the book you let me borrow, actually. I only have it for a brief time, I knew that from the outset.
I still took it though, knowing that I have to give it back eventually, that it can't be mine forever; not tangibly, anyway.
I can still take the letters off the page and churn them into my mind, so that what I can't hold in the physical, I can hold in my mind.... convert it into plasma, energy, synapsis, so that it lasts forever.
See, this book, "The World's Greatest Salesman".... It's inspiring, right? Well, you are inspiring too.
See? This summer is like a borrowed book.
See, this book, "The World's Greatest Salesman".... It's deep, right? Well, you are profound.
See? This summer is like a borrowed book.
See, when you gave me that book, you gave me a little part of yourself you didn't know about.
See, those underlined words you forgot were there was a little chink of yourself that I got to taste.
See? You are the book, and I borrowed you for a summer.
But don't worry. I will give you back in the fall.


  1. "plasma, energy, synapsis"

    You just grew 4 feet and an inch in this post
