Thursday, July 25, 2013

Latitude and Longitude

There are a few ways to look at this. There are a lot of things I could say and excuses I could make, but the longitude and latitude of it is that I wasn't who you were expecting me to be, nor were you what I was expecting.  Expectations are a funny thing. I don't know why humans expect anything anymore because it rarely happens the way we expect. It's like we feel entitled to good things, or something. Are we? Because I'm a human, does that give me the right to expect that you would be a certain way and give me certain things to make me happy? It's not selfish, really, because I tried to give you what I hoped would make you feel pleasant, and so I expected (there's that word again) the same. Well it's not that you didn't meet expectations, it's just we weren't taking the same test. You see, you were in Albania and I'm over here in Ohio. They're the same level, but there is an unexpected dichotomy of an ocean to pass. Well, thank goodness for modern transportation. You fly out half-way, and I'll come meet you in the air. We'll jump out an land on our feet on an island in the middle of that ocean I didn't like and eat bananas. It might be paradise.

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