Friday, June 21, 2013


There is a tree; a tall oak tree. The branches twist and snake over and around each other as they reach outward. The roots run deep. This tree does not have leaves.
It has a sun, though.
And a moon.
And stars.
 Hanging from it's branches is the circus,
 a ferris wheel,
a friend
and a red front door.
There is a toppled suitcase, it's contents traipsing down through the branches of the tall oak tree. It's roots run deep. From the branches there hangs a lemon,
 a sailboat,
a pumpkin
and a bike.
There is music that hangs from the tree and there are balloons. There is also a girl in this tree. Maybe she is important, maybe she is not. You have to search to find her. Does that make her important? There are possibilities on the branches of the tall oak tree. You just need to pluck one off. There is life at the ends of the branches of this tree.


  1. I think I drew a picture like this once.

  2. It's actually based on the picture I drew on my art portfolio this last year.
